Norway - Gaularfjellet

We left Sognefjord and directed ourselves towards route E39 - the main road that goes from Bergen to Alesund (and farther to Trondheim). To join it, we decided to take the Gaularfjellet road - one of Norway’s 18 National Scenic Routes.

one of many endings of Sognefjord

beautiful day

square-man at the viewpoint

the view on the road

Gaularfjellet is a popular tourist route and the viewpoint is swarmed with tourists in the summer. In October, however, we only saw Norwegians coming with their kids to play in snow, and a couple of Germans (of course).

For a short while, we found ourselves above the snowline. The road was however completely cleared and well-maintained - no ice :)

Antoine is super stoked for all this snow

the road is open - good to go

el transito in the forest - back below the snowline

waterfall again

obviously Antoine needs to get as close to the water as possible

longing looks into the distance

along a lake


back at E39

ferry part of the road

morning view

Map of the road throught the montain pass